Awards & Exhibitions


March - Seminar and Workshop with Express Yourself

April - Seminar at Belmont Day School.

May - Seminar and Workshop at Seres Therapeutics.

June - Panel discussion at Boston Bacterial Meeting.

June - Seminar at Baltimore Underground Science Space.

October - Seminar and Workshop at University of Rhode Island

October - Chosen in ASBMB’s 2024 calendar


Sep - FEMS #MicrobeArt2022 winner

Sep - Exhibit at Pasteur Institut Montevideo Uruguay by espaciociencia

May - BacArt workshop at Ipswich high school STEAM event.


September - Seminar at EMBO Bacterial Networks

2019 June - 2020 March: Exhibit at Harvard Museum of Natural History: Microbial Life. A Universe at the Edge of Sight

June - Seminar and Commissioned BacArt at Boston Bacterial Meeting

May - Seminar at MIT Science Museum - Bacterial Bonanza

May-June Exhibition + Seminar at Cell Signalling Technology

Feb 27 - Workshop + Seminar     Institute Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay.

Feb 12 - Workshop + Seminar     Suffolk University

Feb - Fountain Street Gallery and Exhibition

Jan-Dec - Liberty Science Center - Microbes Rule Exhibition


Sep - Emmanuel College Exhibition

Feb - Wellesley College Workshop

Sep - Deerfield Valley Art Gallery Exhibition

Sep - me Convention Stockholm

August NEST Studio for the Arts - University of Colorado Time-lapse exhibition

ASM Agar Art Competition with Third Prize


Forum LABO contest of the most beautiful scientific photos “from the infinitely small to the infinitely large”


ASM Agar Art Competition with First Prize (Cell to Cell) and Peoples Choice (Neurons)

FASEB BioArt Competition. Video available on DailyMotion, YouTube


2023: Bridging the gap with Bacterial Art. FEMS Microbiology Letters

2022: Popular Science, Columbia Science Review

2020: Bluesci: Cambridge University Science Magazine

2020: French Ministry of Educations magazine for highschool teachers TDC

Cover page for Environmental Microbiology Reports

NEBlog about “Bacterial art - incubating creativity in the lab”

2019: EMBO Bacterial Networks webpage

Interview at SciArt Magazine

2018: Ripleys Believe It or Not: Odd is ArtCover of Journal of Bacteriology

Research article on “Visualizing Bacterial Colony Morphologies Using Time-Lapse Imaging Chamber MOCHA“ in Journal of Bacteriology.

2017: Germ Wars
The Politics of Microbes and America's Landscape of Fear
Melanie Armstrong

2016: Cover of Journal of Bacteriology

Passion in Science webpage

Janssen Human Microbiome Institute webpage

Newspaper Interviews Huffington Post, CNN, Salem News, The RecorderPatriot Ledger, Newburyport News, Eagle Tribune

Podcast Interview

Mendelspod: Art in the Lab (Falling in Love with Bacteria)


English: Guardian, Huffington Post, FOX News, Daily Mail, NY Daily News, USA Today, Australian ABC

Turkish: Hurriyet, Hurriyet, Hurriyet, Haber Kibris, Onedio

Spanish: SophiMania, MisturUrbana, Maria’s village, El Universal

French: Prof’s blog and Science & Vie Junior: February 2016: number 317, page 79

German: 20minuten

Italian: La Repubblica

Polish: Wyborcza

Hungarian: Origo

Indonasian: National Geographic

Arabic: Secrets of 7 days